Cílem kurzu je zajistit studentům doktorského studia na ČVUT v Praze informační podporu pro jejich vědeckou práci a uvést je do akademické sféry jako budoucí autory vědeckých publikací.
The aim of the course is to provide doctoral students at CTU in Prague with information support for their scientific work and to introduce them to the academic sphere as future authors of scientific publications.

Enrolment key: Module63
The aim of the course is to provide doctoral students at CTU in Prague with information support for their scientific work and to introduce them to the academic sphere as future authors of scientific publications.
The aim of the course is to provide doctoral students at CTU in Prague with information support for their scientific work and to introduce them to the academic sphere as future authors of scientific publications.

Enrolment key: Module53
The aim of the course is to provide doctoral students at CTU in Prague with information support for their scientific work and to introduce them to the academic sphere as future authors of scientific publications.

Enrolment key: Module23
The aim of the course is to provide doctoral students at CTU in Prague with information support for their scientific work and to introduce them to the academic sphere as future authors of scientific publications.

Enrolment key: Module33
The aim of the course is to provide doctoral students at CTU in Prague with information support for their scientific work and to introduce them to the academic sphere as future authors of scientific publications.

Enrolment key: Module13

Informace, rady a tipy, jak napsat kvalitní vysokoškolskou závěrečnou práci
Kurz byl vytvořen v rámci projektu Podpora vysokoškolských studentů se specifickými poruchami učení.


The aim of the course is to provide doctoral students at CTU in Prague with information support for their scientific work and to introduce them to the academic sphere as future authors of scientific publications.

Enrolment key: Module43